Bee Kind

An easy skit for four children.



Costume: Bee costume can be a sheet of poster paper with a cutout for the child's face. Paint or color the posterboard to look like a bumble bee.

Setting: Child 1 & 2 are playing checkers at a table with 2 chairs. A 3rd chair is nearby but not pulled to the table. A bowl of (can be pretend) popcorn is on the table. Child 3 is playing alone across the stage from the table.

Child 1 (points to child 3) What's she doing here?

Child 2 My mom s watching her.

Child 1 Well, I hope she doesn t want to play with us. Only two people can play this game.

Child 2 Shh, here she comes

Child 3 (walks to the table and watches) Can I play?

Child 1 (rudely) No! This is a game for two people only

Child 3 Is it ok if I watch

Child 1 I guess so

Child 3 Can I have some popcorn?

Child 1 It's for us but I guess you can have a few pieces

Child 2 (passes the popcorn bowl to child 3) Here have some

Child 3 (reaches for the bowl and bumps the checker board) Oh! I'm sorry!

Child 1 Now look what you ve done! You ruined our game!

Child 3 (goes back to the side, crying)

Child 1 (putting checkers back on the board) I knew she'd mess something up.

Bee Kind (comes on stage and comforts child 3)

Child 3 (closes her eyes as if she were sleeping)

Child 1 (pointing to Bee) What is that?

Child 2 Good question! Hey, you in the bee suit. Who are you and what are you doing in my room?

Child 1 & 2 walk over to stand by Bee Kind.

Bee Kind - I came to make Jesus feel better.

Child 2 - Jesus? That's not Jesus. Jesus is in heaven.

Bee Kind - The Bible says that if we do something unkind to another person, we did it to Jesus. You were unkind to her so Jesus' feelings are hurt.

Child 1 - Oh no. Is Jesus mad at us? What can we do?

Bee Kind - The Bible also says that if we do something kind for another person, we did it to Jesus. Does that give you any ideas?

Child 2 - I wish we could just start the whole thing again.

Bee Kind - Sounds like time for a Bee Kind Rewind. Children, reverse your engines.

Child 1 & 2 (walk backwards to the table and sit down. They return the checker board and popcorn to their places)

Child 3 (wakes up, yawns, stretches and looks at the table)

Child 1 (points to child 3) What's she doing here?

Child 2 My mom's watching her.

Child 3 (walks to the table) Can I play?

Child 1 Only 2 can play checkers at a time but you can watch us finish this game and then you can play the winner.

Child 2 There's another chair right over there. Pull it to the table.

Child 1 And have some popcorn, it s really good.

Bee Kind - (walks to center stage) Just like the Bible says, Be kind to each other , Ephesians 4:32.

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