My Father
My Father was a special man
No one was quite like him
'Tho he's been gone these many years
My memory is not dim

Folks said he had a handicap,
He only had one eye
(Grandma said he had been ill
She told me that was why)

Dad never let that slow him down
In anything or any way
He just saw his job and did it
That's how he lived each day

I guess he worked much harder
Than most, to earn his pay
If he ever thought that wasn't fair
I never heard him say

He taught us how to live each day
Trusting God for all our needs
Not expecting to reap a crop
If we didn't sow the seeds

My Daddy was a farming man
He lived close to the land
He said we should love our home
Even though it wasn't grand

Sometimes I wish that I could be
A little girl once more
Dad understood when things went wrong
That's what Fathers are for

Through the years since he's been gone
These words have stood the test
Thanks to Dad, I remember them,
"Trust God and do your best"

by Arlene Hearn Price
In loving memory of my father, Alfred W Hearn
Printed in Poet's Corner, the Tribune Courier, Benton KY